my books

THE Unspeakable HearT

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The Unspeakable Heart of the Mangroves

Wow! I am blown away by this book! The author manages to take you right into the heart of evil. This book is intense, descriptive and riveting from page one. I could not manage to put it down. This author can be rated on par with Stephen King and I cannot wait for his following novel to be released! Well done!

 – Amanda Thompson author of Dead Sea

A detective novel set in New Orleans oozes mystery, Voodoo, and evil. Center transports readers to the murky, humid bayous of New Orleans in the mid-20th century. The great strength of Center’s action-packed thriller is its vivid depiction of New Orleans, which has a beating heart just like the other characters. An intriguing thriller with plenty of action.

 – Kirkus

Blurring the Lines

Blurring the Lines

A volume of short fiction offers thought-provoking tales of technology and morality.

– Kirkus

Center's prose succeeds in building tension via unease

 – Kirkus

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